We are just about ready to officially open our storefront, though customers have been coming in already, which we love!

We have a little bit of cleanup to do and we have to install our divider that will divide the work area from the store area…we’re hoping to get that all settled this weekend so we can open next week. Then on to planning our gr and opening! Can’t wait to start talking with customers face-to-face and spending time in the store.
We’re also trying to work on a wood display idea we had…kind of funny in that I found some really great weathered wood in the neighborhood, only to find out it was claimed by someone else already. So I’ve been “scouring the streets” for some wood, and just today I saw my next door neighbor working on their new fence! Ah! Lots of nice, weathered wood for the taking. So that will be a fun little side project as well.
We’ll see how my woodworking skills pan out.
More photos to come!