Oh Christmas Tree!

Yes we did it, we got our tree early this year.

It was such a beautiful day here yesterday that we could not resist hopping over to Half Moon Bay to cut down our own tree.

It still bothers my hubby to be in 74 degree weather while choosing a tree, what from being from Boston and all.

But I love it.

Back Easters say you can’t tell what season it is if there isn’t snow, but it feels like Christmas to me because the trees are for sale!

The Most Annoying Song Ever

So I’m sitting here at my desk one day working away and  trying very hard to concentrate on something.  My husb and , whose computer is next to mine, starts playing some music.  I try to tune it out so I can think, and then realize I have to try harder…so I do.  But I slowly start to feel REALLY annoyed.  So I finally say “Can you turn that annoying song off?” and he immediately busts up and confesses that he’s TRYING to annoy me with “The Most Annoying Song Ever.”  Yes, it’s true!  Some people got together, surveyed a bunch of other people about what constitutes the most annoying music, and they put it all together into a song.  But it’s not just a bunch of annoying sounds, they actually made it into a song that sounds like a song.  It’s reallly quite amusing – see how long it takes to annoy you: http://blog.wired.com/music/2008/04/a-scientific-at.html

Necklace for us lucky dog lovers

Dog Lover's Necklace
Dog Lover's Necklace

In honor of my wonderful sweetie, Ruby ( and her brother Austin), i designed this necklace for those of us who are lucky enough to have a dog or two light up our lives every day.  My sweet Ruby passed away after a tough and heart-wrenching battle with bone cancer.  She was my companion and love-dog until the day she died.  On that day she was still following me around, barking at the mail carrier and being her strong and loving self.  Her and I even took a rare nap together on our couch that day.  I’ll never forget her sweet face and how she would put her arm around me when I hugged her, or how she would lay at my feet in my office, no matter how late I was up working.

Thankfully, her brother Austin is still here with us, being goofy as ever.

“Dogs are not your whole life…but they make your life whole”.  I can’t remember where I heard this saying, but I have never forgotten it since it rings so true.  People that don’t have dogs sometimes have a hard time underst and ing the love and devotion us dog-lovers show towards our little family members.  I could never quite explain it myself until I heard this saying.  They make our lives whole!  And when they’re gone, there is a piece of us gone with them.

Ruby  and  Austin getting cozy
Ruby and Austin getting cozy

My Daughter’s Wire Projects

My daughter, who just turned 8, loves to hang with me while I’m making jewelry.  Which I love, of course. 

She has learned a lot about jewelry and metals and stones, and she is really getting into working with wire.  I just love it since wire is not as much my thing, but I love to see her develop her own passion for something. 

It is amazing to me how creative an 8 year old can be – they have no constraints or preconceived ideas about trends or fashion, and the ideas she comes up with reflect her own personality.  I think some of these will make great clasps or be part of a very cool chain…we’ll see!!

Beth's Blog