The Most Annoying Song Ever

So I’m sitting here at my desk one day working away and  trying very hard to concentrate on something.  My husb and , whose computer is next to mine, starts playing some music.  I try to tune it out so I can think, and then realize I have to try harder…so I do.  But I slowly start to feel REALLY annoyed.  So I finally say “Can you turn that annoying song off?” and he immediately busts up and confesses that he’s TRYING to annoy me with “The Most Annoying Song Ever.”  Yes, it’s true!  Some people got together, surveyed a bunch of other people about what constitutes the most annoying music, and they put it all together into a song.  But it’s not just a bunch of annoying sounds, they actually made it into a song that sounds like a song.  It’s reallly quite amusing – see how long it takes to annoy you:

Author: Beth

I’m Beth. My passion is bringing joy to customers by making meaningful jewelry that allows them to keep close what is most precious in their lives. Thank you for visiting our web site and blog!

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